Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Philosophical Objection

Amanda Oliva
Mrs. Baldwin
English 4 per. 2
9 September 2008

I would say that my philosophical objection would be how hard it is to get into college. There are a lot of requirements in high school that you have to achieve, but that isnt even the worst of it. The cost is ridiculous. To go to the best schools to get the best forms of education, costs so much. There are so many intelligent people that I know, that miss out on the opportunity to make something of themselves, and granted, part of it is a choice, but some of them never get the opportunity to get a great education because they, or their families dont make enough money. It seems the only way to really go to college and not be in debt for years, is to get a scholorship. The competition is extremely hard, and very few people, at least where I am from, dont get them very often. If only one person gets them, what happens to the rest of the people that tried really hard? What about the athletes that are awesome at what they do and have the potential to play at a college level, but are never found? Living in an area that is not well known, it is even harder to get noticed because there are very few scouts.

Does it happen? Yes, for some. But the cost and eligibility are hard to come by. If our schools could make more of an effort to provide students with more opportunities and more information, more people would probably go. If our government made it more affordable for students to get a better education, imagine what the world would be like with more intelligent people. More doctors, more talent, more police officers, more political leaders, more teachers. Maybe our society wouldnt be in such a bad situation as it is now, if more people had better educations.

1 comment:

Mrs. Baldwin said...

I have to disagree here. Cost is really not an excuse to miss out on an education. For families who qualify, there is financial aid. The government will actually GIVE you money that you don't have to pay back to pay for your education. For families that are not rich, but don't qualify for financial aid, there are student loans. Being in debt for years for student loans is not such a bad thing when you consider that your earning potential will be SO MUCH greater with a degree. Student loan debt is so worth it.