Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Do you think there are any positive uses for cloning either animals or humans or both? What are some of the possible negative ramifications of cloning?

I think for certain things, cloning would be nice to use. Assuming that the clones are what I have imagined in my head because of the movies, I think it would be great for the medical field because doctors could conduct certain experiments without killing “real people”. I know that certain procedures have very small percentages of survival for the person being operated on. We could perfect open heart surgery, study and experiment with open brain surgery, and use certain medicines to test a human body that could potentially kill a “real human”.

As far as animals go, I think it would be a great idea for the animals that are becoming endangered. For a house hold pet that had recently died, I don’t think it would be a good idea because death is apart of life. That type of pain and heartache gives a human being experience in life. To this day, I miss my dog that died, very much but never would I clone him because he is irreplaceable.

I don’t think that there would be any negative effects if scientists and the government use the cloning process for the right reasons. I guess a negative effect could be that people would be let down to see that cloning isn’t as great as they thought it would be. Family members or pets wouldn’t be the same or have the same habits and personality. Medical tests could go wrong and be deemed “inhumane”. Especially with the way our economy is, the amount of money spent towards this process should be recognized.

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