Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Frankenstein Ch. 15-16 Questions

1. Do you think the monster had other realistic options for dealing with his feelings of isolation and anger?

Not really. He had no one to vent to, and he is still struggling with what emotions even are. There are even humans that deal with their anger this way, and they can help what makes them mad. It is the same with the monster. He has a lot of reasons to be hurt and angry, and what other way can he take them out? Wise decision making obviously isn’t something he would be able to do considering his circumstances. I feel like he didn’t have much of a choice. As a human being I can say that the choices he made, especially killing the little boy, were wrong, but does he REALLY know better? I’m not so sure.

2. Up until this point there has been much "coincidence" that has lead the monster to Victor, for example, his finding Victor’s journal and happening to run into William in the woods. Mary Shelley has been criticized for relying too much on coincidence to advance the plot of this novel. Do you agree or disagree with this criticism? Explain your opinion.

I do agree, because it simply isn’t realistic. But, is what person wants, to pick up a book and it be reality? To be honest, the book would be boring. In real life, the monster probably would have never found Victor. He would have never found his journal. It just makes good writing and an enjoyable read. I think that it is unrealistic, but it makes a good story.

3. Do you think Victor will comply with the monster’s request? Why or why not?

I think so. I think that since Victor has sat down and listened to his story and knows how many times he has been turned away; I don’t think that Victor is so cold hearted to not help him out. I’m sure Victor now feels bad enough for inflicting such pain on a living thing, that it is now his job to make up for the wrong he has done against it. He made it, so the least he could do was take some of the pain and weight off of the monster.

4. Do you think Victor should comply with the monster’s request? Why or why not?

Absolutely. It is almost like parenting. Don’t bring a child or a “being” into this world if you can not take care of it. Be responsible enough to avoid those situations. Victor did not. He asked for this, and now he doesn’t want what he created. The monster was abandoned and has only experienced misery, and that isn’t fair. It is Victor’s responsibility to provide this one request. He should at least give him that much.

5. Do you think the monster is guilty of murder? Why or why not.

Yes. The monster killed another human being, so therefore it is murder. The circumstances surrounding it are sympathetic, but he killed an innocent child.

6. Do you think that Victor is partly responsible for William’s death? If no, why not. If yes, what should be his punishment?

No. I think that Victor’s mistakes and selfishness are what caused the monster to be full of revenge and anger. But that can’t take away what the monster did. He had a choice and it was his choice alone. It is not Victor’s fault because the of the murder.

7. At this point in the book, do you think the monster is truly a monster? Explain your answer.

No I don’t believe he is a “monster”. I think he is as close to human as it gets without being “human”. He has emotions, he has confusions, he has made some horrible mistakes. He also has a story and he has his reasons for the choices he made. The reasons why I would not consider him a “monster” is because I know his story.

8. Do you excuse any of the monster’s actions because he was neglected by Victor and treated in such a cruel manner by other humans?

I don’t excuse what he did, but I am sympathetic. His reasons make sense as to why he would decide to make those choices and, in some ways, Victor is responsible because he is the source for the monsters anger. However, Victor did not force or ask the monster to kill anyone.

9. Would you excuse another human being for his or her violent actions because he or she was previously neglected, abused, bullied or otherwise victimized? Why or why not.

My answer is just the same as in #8. I would say 99% of all murderers have a horrible story. They’ve had horrible a childhood. For some, I am very sympathetic, but they had a choice. It is a given in life that murder is wrong. They knew it was wrong. They were capable of stopping. However, their reasons may be understandable.

10. Do you think that Mary Shelley intended this novel to be critical of mankind’s scientific advancements? What kind of a statement do you believe she might be making?

I don’t think it is so much as taking a stab at technological advancements. It might some kind of warning. Someday people may be capable of producing or cloning people without sex. If the beings that were produced were turned away by their makers, we’d have a lot of angry “monsters”. If anything, I would think that this novel is based on her views of parenting, not technology.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Have You Ever?

· Have You Ever had The Opportunity To Make A Suffering Person Happy?
When I was in 8th grade, I had a friend name Kyle. We were pretty close and there really wasn’t anything that I couldn’t tell him. Kyle loved rock music, he loved his friends, and felt like school was the only place he was really happy. He had a lot of self-esteem issues and anytime the topic of self-worth came up, I always tried my best to build him up. Kyle didn’t exactly have the greatest home life either and was constantly pushed down and made out to be some trouble maker. He was one of the nicest kids that I had ever met, and he struggled to feel a sense of belonging and understanding. One night, I was over at my friend Cara’s house, we got online, and he sent an instant message to us saying that he needed to talk to us. He said that he was done. He couldn’t take it anymore. He had never been happy, he was never going to be a good looking kid, no one would ever accept him, he would never satisfy his parents, and he was worthless. For over an hour, Cara and I took turns talking to Kyle, talking him down saying that we cared about him and that we would always be there. He couldn’t do anything about his parents, but they only want the best for him. We did everything we could together to build him back up and keep him from doing something really stupid. Do I believe that he would have taken his life? I’m not really sure. However, Cara and I both felt like he was waiting for someone to send him a message, someone to say, “Hi”. He sat at his computer hoping that someone was thinking of him. Cara and I had. The thought of dying or suicide crossed Kyle’s mind for often than not, but we knew he wouldn’t carry through with it. Anytime he ever felt like he was that night, we would talk to Cara or I, and he would be reminded that at least two people in the world cared about him. Kyle is still here and I see him every now and then. When we talk, it’s like nothing has changed. We know a lot of personal things about each other, and for a while, we had each other as friends, and when we felt our relief of just talking, we were happy.

· Have You Ever Felt Guilty For Bringing Pain And Suffering To Another Person?
The beginning of my junior year, I ended a year long relationship with a boy named Tanner. Our relationship was seemingly perfect and he was a great boyfriend and person, but there came a point in time, very early in our relationship, that I realized I didn’t love him. I had struggled with my feelings for most of our relationship, and I was too much of a coward to tell him the truth. I didn’t want to break his heart, and I thought if I could endure it enough, I would eventually fall in love with him. I tried to force myself to have feelings for him, because I knew how good of a person he was. I knew that he treated me very well, but my personality just wasn’t like his. We fought a lot, I faked and lied about loving him, I made him believe our relationship was one thing, and I was miserable. I finally came to the realization that I couldn’t do it anymore. I didn’t see a future with him, I finally accepted that I didn’t love him, and I didn’t want to lie anymore. I was done being a fake and treating him like I was. I knew what I had to do, and I knew it wasn’t going to be easy. I had to do what was best for him, and I had to do what was best for me. At first when the conversation was brought up, I wasn’t sure if that was what I had wanted. We talked and we cried. I woke up the next morning and felt the same. I had to let him go. We talked at his house and I said that I needed to move on. I needed to change and he deserved someone who would know what they have. I was honest about never loving him, and I apologized as best as I could. He was devastated. After we knew it was over, and there was nothing left to say, he drove me to my car. We talked for a while, I got into my car, he kissed me, and said ,”Good-bye.” Although it was probably the hardest I had done in my life, I knew that I owed it to him. I wasn’t being fair. I know I hurt him more than I will probably ever imagine, but I did what was best. We have both long since moved on, and I don’t regret my decision at all. I made mistakes, and I have paid the price. However, never will I look back and regret what had to be done. The only thing I wish I could take back, would be hurting him, and dragging it out, hoping that things would change when I knew deep down they wouldn’t.


Do you think there are any positive uses for cloning either animals or humans or both? What are some of the possible negative ramifications of cloning?

I think for certain things, cloning would be nice to use. Assuming that the clones are what I have imagined in my head because of the movies, I think it would be great for the medical field because doctors could conduct certain experiments without killing “real people”. I know that certain procedures have very small percentages of survival for the person being operated on. We could perfect open heart surgery, study and experiment with open brain surgery, and use certain medicines to test a human body that could potentially kill a “real human”.

As far as animals go, I think it would be a great idea for the animals that are becoming endangered. For a house hold pet that had recently died, I don’t think it would be a good idea because death is apart of life. That type of pain and heartache gives a human being experience in life. To this day, I miss my dog that died, very much but never would I clone him because he is irreplaceable.

I don’t think that there would be any negative effects if scientists and the government use the cloning process for the right reasons. I guess a negative effect could be that people would be let down to see that cloning isn’t as great as they thought it would be. Family members or pets wouldn’t be the same or have the same habits and personality. Medical tests could go wrong and be deemed “inhumane”. Especially with the way our economy is, the amount of money spent towards this process should be recognized.

African American President

Do you think that having an African American president will have any impact on our country? Do you think that having an African American president will have any impact on your personally? On you children? Please discuss (in classroom appropriate language) in two or three paragraphs.

History has been changed and already our country has been affected. The impact is astonishing because 30, 40 years ago, no one would have ever thought of having a black president. It will change the way our children will look at “opportunity”. Racism, I believe will be less and less apparent to the future people of the country because they will have been born into a lifestyle where race doesn’t matter.

Personally, I think it was an amazing thing to witness. I think that it shows that America is ok with change, and it doesn’t matter what race you are, as long as you get things done. We needed a change, and what better way than to make the seemingly “impossible”, possible? I don’t care if he’s black or if he is white. If he’s doing a good job for the country, and making my future a little more brighter, I will appreciate what he has done.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Longest Journey Ive Been On

The longest journey or trip that I have ever been in was a "vacation" to Florida in the summer of 2008.
Months before, my step-mom and my dad had the plan to go to visit my grandparents and my brother Cory. We get to see them once every few years, and I hadnt seen my brother since I was 10 or 11. So naturally, I wanted to go. However, I was only going to go if we could go to the beach, if it was sunny, and if we got to see Cory for more than one day. Because of this trip, I was going to miss the first week of my senior year. So it was important to me that I got to see my brother and meet his new girlfriend, Melissa.
The compromise was made, and we set out on August 17th, 2008 and we wouldnt return until the 22nd. I was looking forward to seeing this part of my family, and wasnt so young that I couldnt carry on a conversation with my grandparents. It was nice being older and able to talk about real things with them.
Naturally, the flights were long. 2 stops, time changes, lay overs, bad food, the whole deal. That was expected. What I wasnt expecting was when I stepped out of the last flight, it was overcast. It was going to rain. I was secretly upset. My aunt Eve and Grandma Ruth came to pick us up. Judy and I were relieved because usually my grandpa was the one that came and picked us up, and, god love him, hes not a great driver. Judy and I get bad motion sickness, so when he drives, it can get pretty bad.
We get to their house, and I was really tired because I cant sleep on planes. I go take a nap, wake up and everyone is out watching the Olympics. Little did I know, it was going to occupy mine and my dad's time more than anything else.
Later on that night, everyone was tired, and wanted to go to bed, and of course, i wasnt tired. I was still on California time, I stay up late anyway, and hadnt done anything to make me tired. I go back to the room, and start talking to Nick on the phone. It was relieving to hear his voice, but it almost seemed as time went on, that the house was getting warmer and warmer. After about an hour, it was miserable! My dad was up and down all night, and it took me a while to put it together. We were ALL dying. He went out to the living room, and tried to sleep on the couch. Before he layed down, he checked the thermostat, and it was 85! On top of the humidity. Later on in the night, my dad had told me that he turned the air up to 80. Not a big difference right? My dad told me that my grandma came out of the room with a blanket on, and turned the heat back up. There was no way we were going to last like this for another 4 days.
I woke up at 12 the next afternoon, and of course, I felt ridiculous because I dont like sleeping in that late at other people's houses. It just makes me feel rude, so I get up, and make myself a sandwich. My dad, Judy, and I all lived off of turkey sandwiches for 4 days.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Lancelot and Elaine

Lancelot and Elaine Summary
So there’s this guy right? He’s a real big deal around England. King Arthur, something or other. Well Arty has won many battles, had his fair share of good times with the ladies, but in recent years has decided to settle down. Since becoming King and being an all-around BA, he has held Jousting tournaments. Who jousts? Anyway, he is married to some beezy named Queen Guinevere and he has a good friend named Lancelot.
Lancelot is the best jouster guy around. He really knows how to kill people with his wooden stick. You should have seen this guy. He would literally rip their faces off. He would be like,”Get me my lance…with some waffle fries…for free.” And by God, you’d better listen. Anyway, Lancelot only needed one more diamond to win to complete Guiney’s present.
Lancelot, with his tight little body and whale skinned tights, marched up to Arthur’s place and basically laid it out on the line and said, “I’m not going to go to the Jousting things anymore. I twisted my ankle.” Totally milking it right? Well actually just lying to get some alone time with Guinevere. Well, you bet your bottom dollar, Arty fell for it.
Arty left the two alone for whatever reason, and Lancelot and Guinevere started talking about all the dirty things they would do to each other. Sick stuff like that. Anyway, Guiney being the heartless, money hungry, she-devil she is, talked Lancelot into going again to win the jewels by basically saying,” You know you love me, go get me my presents.” Guilt-trip stuff like that. Well, she kissed him and sent him on his way.
Well when Lancelot marched his whipped self back to jousts the following morning, he got lost somehow. I don’t even know how you get lost without knowing it. Dumb. He came to this castle that obviously belonged to none other than, Lord Astolat. What at a name. Well, Astolat has two kids, Torre and Elaine. Apparently Lancelot and Elaine already had some sort of past because she helped him a long time ago when Guinevere got herself kidnapped by some other King. Not even a big deal.
At the jousting tournament, Astolat and Lancelot got to talking, and being the nice guy that Astolat is, he gave Lancelot his son’s Shield. If I was Torre, I would have been pissed if my dad gave some random guy my shield. But this isn’t even about me. Apparently it was for good luck. Because God knows Lancelot needed it. Well before Lancelot began in the tournament, Torre helped him get ready. Lancelot thought it would be a good idea to give the diamond to Elaine, if either one of them won. Sweet guy. Right then and there Elaine fell in love with Lancelot. Of course.
Well that night, I guess Lancelot went to go lay down because he was balls tired. He thought he was lying next to Guinevere. I don’t know. Was he drunk? If you ask me, there’s no way. But hey, a guys got to do what a guys got to do. What im getting at here is there was some baby making going on between Elaine and Lancelot. Seriously. They had a kid together. They thought Galahad would be just a precious name.
This is when the crap really started to hit the fan. After Lancelot “mistakingly” did the dirty with Elaine, Guinevere walked in on him. If you can imagine what it is like on an episode of Maury, just think that, but back in the day. Anyway, being the dumb beezy she was, Guinevere took Lancelot back! Lancelot cut his losses and said, “Screw the kid and my baby-momma. Im outy.” Yet again, Lancelot found himself in quite a pickle. He got caught with good ‘ol Guiney. Elaine also died! She died. Terrible! A Broken heart. Never heard of that one. Isn’t that what Chuck Norris almost died of? Anyway, They were supposed to die, but Lancelot saved Guinevere from being burned to death and killed some people. Well as you can imagine, Arty wasn’t too happy, it was an all out brawl. They were fighting dirty, hair pulling, name calling, Im telling you…Maury! That’s whats up. Anyway, they could continue because Sir Mordred was starting a ruckus so they just stopped.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

When you did the visualization of your funeral, how did you want to be remembered? What are some of the qualities or values that are important to you?

-I wanted to be remembered as someone who changed people's lives. I wanted to be remembered as the girl who was different from all of the rest. As someone who was always able to help people and be a hero to someone. I wanted to be remembered as a good person who always tried to do the right thing. As the girl who made my boyfriend truely happy. I wanted to be remembered as the girl who was trusted the most by my friends, or even people I didnt know well. I wanted to be remembered as the girl who loved to observe life be someone who saw the world in a lot of different ways and was always open-minded. I wanted to be remembered as the girl who was always nice to people, no matter who they were or how different they were than me. I wanted to be remembered as someone who was very understanding and tried their best to not be judgemental.

During our discussion about “Circle of Influences” What were some of the important influences, events and people, in your life as you were growing up? How did these influences impact you and help shape you into the person that you are today?

- The things I have allowed to influence me have been, as ridiculous as it may sound, were movies and books. When I would go through hard times in my life, they were my escape. They kept me from feeling alone. they also taught me good lessons on how to deal with certain things in my life, or things to say in different situations.
Some of my important influences in life are my brother and my dad probably more than anybody else. Those two raised me and shaped me to be the person that I am today. For my brother Anthony, no matter what he was going through in his life, good or bad, I learned from his actions. My dad has always been there for me, and has tried to raise me to not make the mistakes he did, to be strong and independent, and just a good person.
An event in my life that changed me completley was when my mom and my step-dad split up. My world completley changed, and so did my personality. It changed some of the ways I looked at life, and even though it was a hard, I came out of it with experience and maturity. I was able to talk to other kids my age, or even older kids, if their parents were going through the same thing. I was honored to be the one that could calm them down, give them a good perspective on things, and make them feel like they would always have a person to talk to.

Many of you wrote a letter to dream when you were a freshman. What was your reaction when you had the opportunity to read this letter again? Have your dreams or plans changed? What are some of your thoughts and feelings about your next step into the future?

- Well, I wasnt at West Valley yet to write a freshman letter, but a lot has changed for me since then. When I was a freshman, I didnt have a dream. I was still trying to find my own way and discover the things that I was good at. I knew that I wanted to do something that involved helping people, but I didnt really have anything set out. I was focused on having fun more than anything else.
Through my highschool years, I have decided to work towards something. It wasnt until a long bus ride to Yreka my Junior year, sitting next to someone special to me, that I discovered what I wanted to do. Throwing out ideas and things to look into gave me something to look forward to. Something I could shape my life around.
Some of my thoughts about the future are fear, hope, excitement, sadness, and hardwork. Im scared for what is to come and hoping that my life turns out to be everything that I wanted it to be. Im excited to grow up and get out of this town but sadness because I wont be around the people that made me so happy for 4 years. I know what i want, and I am willing to work hard to get there, and I know that somewhere along the line I am going to struggle, but I wont stop.